Monday, July 11, 2011

Mr Jele

He came into my life about 3 weeks ago but -without sounding too cliched- it feels like I'v known him my whole life. He makes me laugh, he's got me on auto smile.
I can be myself completely when I'm with him. He's almost just as crazy as I am. Ok, actually, he's crazier than me.

He brings me flowers, he opens the car door for me, and have I already mentioned that he makes me laugh, smile, happy.....?

I used to think that I only blogged when I was sad, as an escape mechanism, well, im blogging now, which means I have been wrong. I must blog when I'm feeling extremes, coz right now I'm extremely happy! And I want the whole world to know.

Some of my people are askn me where Nof has gone to. The pessimist, cursed Nof. Well guys, I guess the curse has been broken. I'v been told to 'take things slow' to 'suss him out' 'to figure out what he's about'.

Things are just moving so quickly though, the love is soo strong. And I'm enjoying every bit and am planning to give it my all.

It just feels soooo different this time around, so real, so true, so geniune.
It is true what they say I guess, one day someone will walk into your life and make you realise why it never worked with the rest.

I actually at times feel like slapping myself for being okay with some of the ish I have been put through, and for sometimes allowing myself to be treated like some of the times I have been treated in the past. But i guess i had to go through all of that though in order truley appreciate this moment i am going through right now.

I'm so grateful I met him when I did.

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