Thursday, July 21, 2011

It’s the lil' things

the way he looks at me
the words he speaks to me
the way he holds me
the way he’s always willing to help

the way he sticks his rolled tongue out at me
the way he tries to fight back his sleep when we are cuddling

his love for chocolate, he even eats it in his sleep (yes, im dead serious)

the way he kisses me

the way he tilts his back backwards when he dances
the way he does his white boy dance moves
the way he dances while he’s driving

the look on his face when he’s concentrating
the way he and PraDa get along

the way he can always ‘read’ my eyes – i must admit though, this used to freak me out at first
the way he says i love you, which gives me goosebumps all the time

the way he listens when i talk
the way we get along
the way he ‘gets me’

the way he always says all the right things

the way he opens the car door for me
the way he asks me if i’m okay

the way i miss him when we are apart
the way he has let me into his world and
the way he has fitted so perfectly in mine

the way we met
the way he makes me smile
the way he makes me laugh

it’s the little things he does that make me fall in love with him more and more each day

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