Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sometimes it lasts in love, sometimes it hurts instead…..

I am not good in conveying what or how I am feeling at times…most times in fact, and I think this is my biggest downfall.

I will not tell you that I love you first…incase you do not say it back. So when I’m in a relationship, I always wait for him to say it first, no matter how I am feeling inside. Silly I know, but ja.

On the other hand, I too, will also not tell you to fuck off if you are 'shelaring' me, irritating me and wasting both your time and mine. I will not answer your phone calls, emails, and smses though. I will delete you off BBM, and will block your number on my whatsapp….if you still do not get that hint, then you surely need prayer. i dunno, i guess I'm just too polite.

Back to the love issue…..

In December last year, I was driving to the mall, minding my own business when I saw a Palm Readers caravan parked on the side of the road. I decided to stop and get my palm read, just becuase I could. I had always wondered what type of people go to Palm Readers, or how the experience is. So I stopped, and got my Palm Read...

Career wise she told me everything was going really well. I am in a job I love. I get to meet many people, I travel a lot. And I'm loving it. Well, she was spot on. I told her ye i’m always meeting people and talk to all different kinds of people, and that I was journalist.

Family wise: she told me that someone in my family was an alcoholic…Errrrrr…..not that I know of. She said that this person will die, because of the alcoholism. She said it was a male. Either, my brother, father or uncle. Errrrrr that still didn’t ring any bells.

Love life – hhhhmmmm. Apparently about 5 years or so ago, a guy that was madly in love with me, who I had no feelings for, and would not date, put a spell on me. It was in the sense of ‘if I can’t have you, nobody can.’ This she said, explains why my relationships ‘do not last’.

Wow, I thought although as crazy as it sounds, this does actually explain a lot of things right now. I asked her how I could get rid of this so called spell….she told me to pray about it and it would eventually go away, or that she could take it away faster…at a price.

Aha I thought. So that’s the catch, she tells people all this ish, just so that she can make sum cash off them, in the pretense of ‘curing’ them of these spells.

She also told me that I will get married, and have three kids. Adding that my pilot friend that is after me, is actually obsessed with me and that I must be really careful when with him, and also that i should distance myself from him – I knew exactly who she was talking about. Wow.

I told my mum about it, she said she’d help me pray about it. I told my ex about it as well. My ex that is also a ‘prophet.’ He told me that this made sense to him. He had also had a dream about it earlier – when we were still together. He told me about his dream then, but we just could not make any sense of it then. Now, he said, it made perfect sense. This is what it was trying to tell him.

Anyways…I kinda got over it, and forgot about it, until last night when yet another relationship ended, before it even really began.

The sad part about it all is that it ended because of something that happened before we even met….if that’s not a sign of being cursed, then I dunno what is! And yes, i did like him quite a lot...i still do. maybe I'm not sure what love is though, because i only met him about a month can't develop that fast can it?

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