Wednesday, March 23, 2011


In case you are also wondering but are too scared to ask because of fear of being too random, I have answered a few faq's for you about, ja, here goes..

No I do not wear make up - just eyeliner and mascara on 'special occasions'
Yes I live alone
I do not have any kids. Well, I guess it is because I have not met a guy I wanna be connected to for the rest of my life.….yet. Ok ye, ye, and also because I’m not yet married.
I am 26, an '85 baby
I am an Aquarian
Yes there are quite a few girls in my family, and of cos we are all hot. I am from a family of 5 kids. 1 boy and 4 girls.
No I do not model
Errm I'm not quite sure whether it's my mum or my dad that I look like, but my facial structure - long face, cheeckbones, are my dads.
I studied at DUT in Durban.
I studied journalism, not law, although yes, I work at the Law Society of South Africa.
I am a News Editor
Yes I am single - get over it already
And no I'm not 'looking' but if I happen to meet someone I like then ye...we'll see how it goes.
I do skype
I am on facebook,
I'm not on gtalk, but I am on bbm, which by the way is the future.
Yes I do have a pet rabbit. A she, her name is PraDa. And yes she lives inside my flat wit me. She eats lettuce, bunny pellets, coleslaw, mangos, mielies, and at times dried fruit. I do let her hop around the flat when I'm there. I only put her in her cage when I'm sleeping or out. Her poop is dry. Small dry balls, which are very easy to clean up.
I loooove meat
I love food
I eat a lot
I do not go to gym; I guess my body is from good genes. I should start going though, I hear 'good genes' don't count when u hit the big THREE O.
I don't like chocolate. It takes me about 3months to finish a whole slab. I loove sweets though. I don't eat desert.
And yes, I love my J-O-B!
Hope that answers all the questions you had about me. But were afraid to ask me.

Geez I really should start blogging more. I must make time to, I just gotta. Anyways, until next time…..which is hopefully real soon.....keep LIVING :)

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