Friday, June 17, 2011

a journey and life story by Sandile Dlamini !!

Wadup Guys.
Thought I'd share this with y'all. A very good friend of mine sent me it. It got me thinking.

"The cries after the last breath, waking up in an old age home, collect your pension and watch the stars shinning bright in the African Skies, before then you drink alcohol, you party and perhaps become promiscuous and get ready for high school, you go to primary school and then you become a kid, you plan and you have no responsibilities, you become a baby and then you spend 9 months floating peacefully in luxury and then you finish off as an orgasm.

Now read the paragraph above starting from the end. That is the story of human kind. Per the eyes of man every person starts or is a product of an orgasm, goes through the journey of life and ends up dying. Some people always say it is not about how we start but how we end. I want to differ, it is more about what we do inbetween the start and the end. The start is simple, EVERY MAN SHALL BE BORN, the end is simple, EVERY MAN SHALL DIE. Starting is part of it, it's either you start good or bad ( BORN RICH OR POOR), but for you to finish the race as a winner you need to know what to do if you have started badly, you need to keep the momentum going if you started pretty much better.

As I always say, success is more about knowing where you going and getting there first. Once you are the first ,all others will look at you and will want to be like you. You then become the legend upon which mankind bases their stories, folklore and tales. The legendary deeds become a measure on which others basedtheir success. A walk which others would want to walk, a path that brings light to the eyes of men, a mountain upon which all others look up to, a joy that those who partake in - give themselves accolades such as WE HAVE NOW MADE IT. All these are based on the premise that the first have made it, the first shall be followed, the first had made a way, the first is pioneer and the first has become a way of life upon which all of us must thrive to be likewise.

Such is the journey of life, mankind does not have the sky as the limit. For those who still believe so, do so simply because they are ignorant of the fact that mankind lives in the International Space Station as we speak. The ISS has been suspended in the skies for more than 10 years now, with more than 3 people at a time. The human brain itself has not been used fully. Our capabilities go beyond what we see, what we dream of and what we want to become. Our spirits may never today, tomorrow and forever be limited in relation to what we want to achieve. Our ambitions can be achieved pretty much by trying to do all that is beyond what mankind see and what mankind think at present.

Those that came before us paved a way, started a journey whose distance is light eyes to be accomplished. We all have to partake in this journey, we can never finish it, we can never say now we have accomplished that which the Heavens intended us to, non amongst ourselves can proclaim that the journey has been completed or would be in our life time. But if I may say, all peoples of the earth are on this journey, a moment of thinking, a moment of hard work, a moment of laughter, a moment of passion and a moment of sacrifice makes the journey worth it for mankind, one becomes a light unto which others find their path when something different is done on the journey of life. Hence others become our inspiration, our mentors and our heroes.

I write to say, before you layeth the journey of life upon which your life shall be made by non others but yourselves.

I now write to wish you a prosperous journey in your life time.

In trust of the wonders of Life, a journey and a life story by Sandile Dlamini"

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