Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yellow fever and cholera….

So here I am waiting for those two shots to be over with already.
My heart is pounding, it feels like it’s sitting in my throat, and my nerves are working overtime.

All this brings back memories of when I was about 5 years old, the very last day anyone’s ever tried to give me a shot.

I remember running around the car while my dad tried to catch me. Dr Canter then came to assist him and they both closed in on me and finally caught me. They took me to the Doctor’s room, and called in a third person, a nurse, to come help hold me down.

I also remember my dad telling me that if I do not keep still the needle is going to go the wrong way, hit the wrong nerve and cripple me for life. Kodwa did he really think that that would help calm me down? Cos that only made things worse. After that line, I really did not want that needle anywhere near my ass.

Anyways the shot was finally given, after another nurse was called in. My dad held my legs down, while each of the nurses held an arm each, while Dr Canter did his thing. And yes it was freaking sore. Even more sore than I had imagined it would be.

I didn’t speak to my dad for like a week after that.

So yes, sitting here, waiting for 12 o’clock to strike brings back all those horrid memories.

The people I have told about my vaccinations today have all told me that I will be okay, and that it’s not at all that sore blah blah blah.

Some have even asked me how I got my tattoo done if I’m soooo afraid of needles.

Well, it’s not the same thing people. It’s different okay….

anyways, wish me luck… one and a half hours to go now  

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